Monday, July 14, 2008

sure, why not...

but what a day to start procrastinating.
Right now I am sitting behind the pc, not doing a thing but typing, listening to music and sing along.
Should be packing, deciding how many undies we'll bring.
But instead I want to cuddle with my dogs, take a nap and read a little.

My son looks at me like I am totally out of my mind, normally I am freaking out by this time.
Not this time and I kinda like it.
But maybe it is about time to find our bathing suits and shorts.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Arghhhhhhhhhhhh, socks!

Can someone tell me why I have to buy my son new socks for every trip?
This is going to be our third trip in less than a year and I just checked his socks.
At least 4 pairs have disappeared since last visit.

What does he do with them?
Only thing I can think of is he is leaving them at his Dad's place.
But his feet are still smaller, so they would find that out sooner or later.

Sigh, other people have just one sock missing, he has complete pairs missing.
These trips are getting expensive mainly because of the amount of socks I am buying.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I Am Still Part of This Couple.

Petra has been posting for both of us the past few weeks but I wanted to let everyone who looks here know that I am still alive and still Petra's partner. Actually, I have enjoyed reading Petra's posts and think maybe she should be the only one writing things. They are more interesting than mine. LOL I wish I could have attended the Celtic Festival. It looked like great fun. I think the young people here have a term for what is under the kilts, although I don't even think they know what a kilt is, but not wearing anything underneath is "going commando".

The reason I have been absent is because I have changed companies and it has been a very busy and at times, stressful past several weeks but things are looking good right now and even better, we will be together in just 4 days. WHOOPEEEEEE!

I hope we can post jointly during our month together here and show some of the things we have been doing. One thing you won't see a picture of is our greeting at the airport. That will be private and special. You understand.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

a few more pictures from the Celtic Midsummer Festival

While I am counting down the days, a few more pics from the Festival.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Bagpipes and kilts

I know, I promised Jack, but when the chance presented itself, I couldn't look away.
Not that it helped much, I still don't know what they wear under their kilts.
But one of these days...

Yesterday I had a great day, with many thanks to my sister who didn't mind that I had to bring two dogs. The two of us went to the Celtic Midsummer Festival in Nieuweschans.
We both like the atmosphere that comes with these events that relates so much to the books we love.
Much to my shame I have to admit that I missed that we have a really good group of musicians over here that play old Dutch, Celtic and Irish folk music.
Even worse is that the rest of the Netherlands already knows and I don't.
But I 'm working on it, promise.
Just to make sure you will know them, here is: Rapalje!!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Making lists

and already we are down to 10 days left.
And it is starting to show around the house. There are lists everywhere.
A list to make sure I don't end up with to many groceries in my fridge that will have to stay in there for 4 weeks. A list to make sure we have all the clothes we need, one for the paperwork like passports and permissions that we need to bring. Another one for the dogs and to make sure I go by the vet before. The list for the last food items for the rabbit and a bag of dogfood.
A list to make sure I buy the last items like toothpaste and shampoo.
Not that after writing the lists I will ever look at them, for me it is making them that makes me remember the things we need.

This trip feels different from the other ones because we will spend so much more time together. It also leaves my house empty longer and the feeling that everything should be taken care of is more urgent than other times.
Can't leave too much in the fridge because it will be able to walk by the time we get back...