Thursday, March 13, 2008

Some Comments

I always enjoy reading Petra's comments on the trips over here. We and you over there are very much alike in many ways but very different in some ways too. As people, I think we are pretty close in what makes us happy, what is important to us and the desire to experience those things that give us satisfaction and educate us.

One area that I have mentioned before and have talked with Petra about is that in many ways the basic infrastructure in Holland is better than here. I mean, those wires running everywhere here because we have never gone to total underground electric systems, are ugly with a capital U. LOL The water over there is much better than here. Getting a glass of water there actually tastes clear and pure. Here it is full of chlorine that we somehow assume is good for us. I also found the roads generally in better condition over there than here. While we have good highways and most roads are good, it is easy to find parts that the roads are in need of repair.

As Petra mentioned not only about the book store but the grocery markets as well, we tend to have an over abundance of choices when it comes to shopping. The book store we were in was so big you could spend hours and hours there. They even make it easy for you to do that by having big comfortable chairs and couches spread around as well as a coffee shop in hopes you will sit down, relax and look at books that you may end up buying. We seem to have these huge stores for every item. I was in an electronics store recently and they have one whole section with probably 100 tv's of all sizes and shapes, same with pc's and phones and anything electronic. So when I saw Petra post about the grocery stores, I had to chuckle. She is right, how many different brands of tissues or shampoo or pizza's do you need. But there are aisles of these things to choose from.

I have to admit, when we were at the one fancy grocery store and saw the parking spots for pregnant women and those with children, I had to scratch my head also. I haven't seen it go that far before either. I wish they would make one for single guys in a hurry to get something to make for dinner. LOL

The first day that we went to Gettysburg was nice. It was a beautiful day and although it is hard to describe a place that a battle took place as beautiful, it really is a pretty area and a great place to walk and slowly drive through and see the beauty of the scenery.

Can't wait for more posts from Petra. I like seeing her impressions of where I live.

1 comment:

Petra said...

Hmm, think I told you about a hundred times that you live in a beautiful area with very nice molehills.