Wednesday, June 4, 2008

And than this happens...

until this morning I liked Jacks post.
Being a woman I started out thinking Hillary might be interesting, soon enough she reminded me of the way women can fight, mean, mean mean.
Believe me, I recognize it when I see it, grew up with three sisters.
Anyway, The US may have done a huge step as you said Jack, in the mean time they did a step back also in the world of free travel between countries.

Until now a visit for 90 days or less to the US could be done on a visa waiver that you would fill in during your travel to the US. Mind you, I never heard Jack about having to do the same coming here...
Well, they still avoid calling it a visa, but yesterday Michael Chertoff announced that from next year on, we (the non-americans) have to register ourselves electronically 3 days before we travel. That way they can do back ground checks and make sure no terrorists enter the country. Ok, seen what happened, I can see that a country does things to make sure that doesn't happen again. But this is close to having to go to for a visa.
This on top of the way you are made feel when entering the country makes it harder and harder to feel welcome in the US as a tourist and innocent visitor.

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